Nibiru Rising - The Anunnaki Connection
Persepolis and The Lost Empire
Sumerians - Echoes In Eternity
Metamorphosis - UFOs In The Bible and Antiquity
Decoding The Antikythera Mechanism - A 2000 Year Old Computer
The Hidden History of Humanity
Creator - Anunnaki * Gods * Ancient Aliens
Ellora Caves - A Miracle In Stone
Lost Cities - Ancient Advanced Technology
The Secret History of Stonehenge - The Movie
Atlantis - The Complete History
The Anunnaki Connection - Season Five Marathon
Shadows of the Sun: Unveiling the History of the Aztecs
Lost Technologies - Mysteries of Vanished Civilizations
New Evidence of Early Man Suppressed
Megaliths - Forgotten World
Ancient Egyptian Gods - Myths, Symbols, and Eternal Influence
The Lyran-Draco Galactic Wars - The Movie
The Daughters Of Adam & Eve
Premier Homme - First Human
Neanderthal - The First Artist
Ancient Egypt - Chronicles of An Empire
Great Indian Nations - 3-Hour Movie Epic
INCAMAZONIA - Discovering The Peruvian Grail
Barabar - The Archeological Site of The Future
The Assyrians - Empire of Iron
Enigma of the Celtic Tomb
The Mayan Civilization - A Complete History
The Mystery of The Nazca Lines
Dogs: Man's First Friend - The Movie
Lost Treasure Of The Ancient World - Ancient Jerusalem
The Mayans - Ruins Among the Trees
THE ANCIENT ONES - The Elder Gods of Antiquity
Ancient Cave Cities Around the World
China's Secret Lands - Tibet, Xinjiang, and Yunnan
Living Wild - Prehistoric Survival Skills
Mysterious Origins of Man - Rewriting Human History REDUX
Mysterious Origins of Man - The Alien Connection REDUX
Mysterious Origins Of Man - Jurassic Art REDUX
The Rise of Man - Homo Sapiens Invent Civilizations
Anunnaki - The Untold Story
Are We Alone In the Universe - A Zecharia Sitchin Film
Lost Treasures of the Silk Road
The Birth of Civilization - The First Farmers - 20,000 BC to 8800_BC
The Birth of Civilization - Cult of The Skull - 8800 BC to 6500 BC
The Birth of Civilization - Rise of Uruk - 6500 BC to 3200 BC
Journeys To The Ends Of The Earth - The Series
HOPI ELDERS - The Lost Recordings
Quest For The Lost Tribes
The Mysteries of The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Castle Builders of the Middle Ages - Series Marathon
Uncovering The Great Pyramids - A New History Is Revealed
Athos - The Secret Monk Republic
The Orphic Mysteries - The Life and Theology of Orpheus
Immortal Egypt - The Rise and Fall of The Ancient Egyptians
Mount Nemrud - The Throne of The Gods
Lost Worlds - Uncovering Three Ancient Legendary Cities
The Real Lost World - A Journey Inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Standing With Stones - A Journey Beyond Stonehenge
Ancient Aliens - Alien Encounters 2-Hour Marathon
Fragments of Truth - The Movie
Formscapes and Consciousness - Archetypal Dynamics of History
The Mystery of the Sphinx - The Original Emmy Winning Film
Mystery of The Sphinx - Part 2 Addendum - A Day With John Anthony West
Thoth and Hermes - Hermeticism Explained
The Naked Archeologist - Ancient Bible Mysteries
Jungle Mystery - Lost Kingdoms of the Amazon
Dark Ages - An Age of Light - 4-Part Series Marathon
Mysteries of China - The Complete Series
The Birth of Civilization - Complete 5-Hour Boxset
The Cosmic Secret - The Movie
The Last Journey of The Vikings
Rewriting the Story of Humankind
Desert Queen: The Extraordinary Life of Adventurer Gertrude Bell
The Exodus Revealed - Search for the Red Sea Crossing
The History of Civilization and Ancient Advanced Technology
The Return of the Anunnaki - The Movie
The Anunnaki - Ancient Origins - Solving the Enigma
Antarctica - Ancient Civilizations Under the Ice
YAHWHY - The Anunnaki Connection
Hunting Atlantis - The Future of ManKind
The Dark Side of Archeology - Nepal: The Great Plunder
The RIG VEDA - Lost Science and Technology
SECRET ORIGINS - The Untold Story of Humanity
The Nephilim and Kingdoms of Sumeria
Kingdoms of Sumeria - The Return of Enki
Ancient Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable
Wheel of Time - A Werner Herzog Film
The Complete World of Greek Mythology - Gods Heroes and Monsters
The Book of Enoch and the Anunnaki Explained
Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World
A Lamp In the Dark - The Untold History of the Bible
Tares Among The Wheat - The Story of the Codex Sinaiticvs
Bridge To Babylon - Rome, Ecumenism & the Bible
The Revelation Of The Pyramids
Ancient Aliens & Lost Gods of The Ancient World - The Movie
Sumerian Legacy - The Akkadians of Mesopotamia
Mystery of the Carpathian Sphinx
Jesus of Nazareth - Full 6-Hour HD Movie
The Lost Tomb Of Jesus - The Movie
Torah Codes - End To Darkness
Torah Codes - End To Darkness Part 2 - Addendum
THE EXODUS DECODED - The Mystery Of The Lost Ark
The Necronomicon Archives - The Ancient Book of the Dead
AGARTHA - Journey to The Hollow Earth
The Sumerians and Human Origins - The Movie
The World's Greatest Sacred Sites
Rod Serling's The Outer Space Connection
Archeology 2.0 - Exploring the Past with Modern Technology
History of Yoga - A 6000 Year Journey
Aluna - An Ecological Warning by the Kogi People
Teotihuacan - Holy City of the Ancient World
THE DRUIDS - The History, Philosophy, and Religion
ET Origins - The Star People
Eternal Egypt - The Desert
The Elder Brothers Warning
From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians
The Voynich Code - The Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript
Neanderthal - Ancient Human
Libya's Forbidden Deserts
APOCALYPTO - The Making of a MAYAN Movie Epic
Architects of Ancient Arabia
Ancient Italy - Ancient Walls of the Giants
Mystery of the Sphinx - New Scientific Evidence - Expanded REDUX
The Klaus Dona Chronicles - The World of Forbidden Archeology
Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles
Explorer - Discovering Ancient Peru
The Reality of Truth - What If You Already Know?
The Amazon In Danger - The Indigenous Struggle
Ancient Advanced Technology In Egypt
Ancient Advanced Technology In Nazca and Peru
Ancient Advanced Technology In Peru and Bolivia
Ancient Advanced Technology In Mexico and The American South West
Ancient Advanced Technology In Central America
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 1 - The Age of Enlightenment Has Come
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 2 - The Age of Enlightenment Has Come
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 3 - The UFO StarGate Agenda
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 4 - The Prometheus Stones
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 5 - The Stargate Found
Knowledge of The Forever Time Part 6 - The Black Knight Satellite
Knowledge of the Forever Time Part 7 - The God Knowledge
Knowledge of The Forever Time Part 8 - Knowledge of The 8
Nibiru - Return of the Gods
Atlantis - Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World
Life On Mars - New Scientific Evidence
Ancient Aliens - Archons - Extraterrestrial Invaders
Remembering the End of the World
Dark Secrets of the Black Sea - Uncovering the Roots of Early Civilization
Advanced Ice Age Civilizations and Atlantis
Ancient American Mound Builders - Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Legacy
Atlantis Rising - Ancient Advanced Technology
The Yucatan Hall of Records - Edgar Cayce's Legacy
Geometric Metaphores of Life
Gateways To Faerie - Discover A Hidden Realm of Mystery and Wonder
Discovery of Noah's Ark - The Best Evidence
The Pyramid of Cheops - A Possible Solution to its Construction
Hoagland's Mars Volume 3 - The Moon / Mars Connection
Hoagland's Mars Volume 2 - The United Nations Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection
Hoagland's Mars Volume 1 - The NASA Cydonia Briefing
Hidden Planet - The Coastal People of New Guinea
Hidden Planet - Guidance of The Stars - The Samburu Way
Hidden Planet - Lost World of The Inca
Hidden Planet - Lost World of The Maya
Hidden Planet - The Roof of Africa
Hidden Planet - Healers and Rituals of The Ancients
Uncovering The Great Bimini Hoax
KUMBH - Eternal Journey of Indian Civilisation
Journey To The Hollow Earth - The History, Mythology and Folklore That The Earth Has A Hollow Realm
God Man and ET Part 1- The Mars/Earth Connection: Cydonia in Ancient Science and Mythology
God Man and ET Part 2 - Can the Judeo Christian Worldview Accommodate an Intelligent ET Reality?
God Man and ET Part 3 - The Gods of Cydonia: The Case for Ancient Artificial Structures in the Solar System
God Man and ET Part 4 - The Probability for Life's Existence Elsewhere in the Universe
God Man and ET Part 5 - If ET Called, How Would We Know It?
God Man and ET Part 6 - Scientists and Scholars Go Head to Head Over the Question of Intelligent Life In the Universe
The Code - Archeo-Mathematics and the Global Earth Matrix
Symbols of An Alien Sky Part 2: The Lightning Scarred Planet Mars
Symbols of An Alien Sky Part 3: The Electric Comet
Watchers 6 - The Secret Cosmic War
Lapis Exillis - The Stone is the Grail
Myth Hunters - The Search For The Crystal Skulls
Ancient Aliens - Origin of Humanity
Mysterious Stone Monuments of Markawasi Peru
The Rise and Fall of the Vikings - The Complete Series
Confucius - The Creator of the Golden Rule
Finding Atlantis - An Ancient Advanced Civilization